What is your name and your current occupation?
Craig Clark, I’m currently an artist at Grab Games, and the producer of The Kustomonsters TV show
What are some of the crazier jobs you had before getting into animation?
I was the box boy to the stars at a Safeway supermarket in Pacific Palisades.
What are some of your favorite projects you’re proud to have been a part of?
I’m very proud to been part of that first Simpson’s crew that launched the Emmy winning institution of the yellow people to the world. Also it was an honor animating JFK’s lip synch on the feature Forrest Gump. Currently I also love producing The Kustomonsters show.
The Kustomonsters show Ep 1
A video used to be embedded here but the service that it was hosted on has shut down.
How did you become interested in animation?
I’d say at age six when I was hooked on the Winchell Mahoney show and Gigantor cartoons.
Where are you from and how did you get into the animation business?
I’m from Malibu, CA. I was doing cartoon drawings for my mother’s first grade class when I was â€discovered†by Corny Cole and Sam Kirson. I was then invited to Duck Soup Produckions in Santa Monica were I started a mentorship at age 14.
What’s a typical day like for you with regards to your job?
Currently I draw assets for Facebook games; props, characters, clothing etc. When I go home I work on my independent TV show called the Kustomonsters. It’s a mostly flash animation show with puppets, music videos, and outside independent animated shorts.
Currently I draw assets for Facebook games; props, characters, clothing etc. When I go home I work on my independent TV show called the Kustomonsters. It’s a mostly flash animation show with puppets, music videos, and outside independent animated shorts.
What part of your job do you like best? Why?
I like telling stories, developing characters and designing shots. I also like composing songs and doing voices. I’m grateful for living in a time when the tools to do your own projects are available at a reasonable cost.
I like telling stories, developing characters and designing shots. I also like composing songs and doing voices. I’m grateful for living in a time when the tools to do your own projects are available at a reasonable cost.
The Kustomonsters show Ep 2
A video used to be embedded here but the service that it was hosted on has shut down.
What part of your job do you like least? Why?
I’m not a big fan of doing rotoscoping, although I can appreciate its value as a tool in production. I’d rather be animating a scene.
I’m not a big fan of doing rotoscoping, although I can appreciate its value as a tool in production. I’d rather be animating a scene.
What is the most difficult part for you about being in the business?
I miss the commercial business as being a creative stopgap between big projects. There are a lot more folks in the business these days so it’s a lot more competitive than the 70’s and 80’s. Also keeping ahead of the software learning curve is a full time job. I had to make a decision, was I going to be a tech head and learn every piece of software or am going to tell stories. I chose stories.
I miss the commercial business as being a creative stopgap between big projects. There are a lot more folks in the business these days so it’s a lot more competitive than the 70’s and 80’s. Also keeping ahead of the software learning curve is a full time job. I had to make a decision, was I going to be a tech head and learn every piece of software or am going to tell stories. I chose stories.
The Kustomonsters show Ep 3
A video used to be embedded here but the service that it was hosted on has shut down.
What kind of technology do you work with on a daily basis?
I work with Flash daily, as well as After FX, and Final Cut Pro.
I work with Flash daily, as well as After FX, and Final Cut Pro.
In your travels, have you had any brushes with animation greatness?
I had the pleasure of taking the animation Master Class with Richard Williams. I received personal animation tips from Bill Melendez while working on the Peanuts. Met Grim Natwick as a teenager, and was mentored by Disnet vet Amby Palowoda. Later I worked one on one with Steven Spielberg doing 3d previz for Jurrasic Park 2!
I had the pleasure of taking the animation Master Class with Richard Williams. I received personal animation tips from Bill Melendez while working on the Peanuts. Met Grim Natwick as a teenager, and was mentored by Disnet vet Amby Palowoda. Later I worked one on one with Steven Spielberg doing 3d previz for Jurrasic Park 2!
The Kustomonsters show Ep 4
A video used to be embedded here but the service that it was hosted on has shut down.
Describe a tough situation you had in life.
While in college I was in a hot and trendy New Wave band with A & R reps calling my dorm room. I had to choose between fleeting rock n roll and animation. Since I was already working in the cartoon industry I chose the very stable animation business.
While in college I was in a hot and trendy New Wave band with A & R reps calling my dorm room. I had to choose between fleeting rock n roll and animation. Since I was already working in the cartoon industry I chose the very stable animation business.
Any side projects you’re working on you’d like to share details of?
Yes, I’m the producer of The Kustomonsters show, which is syndicated on the AMGTV Network. It includes my short cartoons, puppets, music videos and independent animated shorts. Here is the site,www.kustomonsters.com.

Is there any advice you can give for an aspiring animation student or artist trying to break into the business?
Yes, ground yourself in the fundamentals of drawing from life, learn how to tell an entertaining story, and familiarize yourself with business fundamentals. Don’t give up, because success goes to the most stubborn.
The Kustomonsters show Ep 5
A video used to be embedded here but the service that it was hosted on has shut down.
LOVED Forrest Gump, man… That is so awesome that you can say you were a part of such a historic movie. Happy you’re making it work with Kustomonsters too!
As another member of that “hot and trendy New Wave band” with Craig in college (I love it!), I have to say, you continue to amaze me. You’re art, creativity & quality of craftsmanship has always impressed…no…completely blown me away! I still brag to people about knowing you as I list off all of the popular and historic productions you have been part of. That, and PEOPLE! He is a nice guy, great family man and excellent friend!
Love Astrothrill, really love Kustomonsters. Waiting for more krazy, kool kartoons! Keep ’em coming, Craig!
Thanks Mike for asking me to contribute to this site. This is a good thing you are doing for all of us! And also thanks for contributing your classic Joe Dugan cartoons to the Kustomonsters show. And, Steve, thanks so much for your support over the years. I hope things are still rocking for you…and yes, stay tuned for more Kustomonsters! Episode #6 features the voice of legendary comedian John Byner in the cartoon Woodstock Manor!
Sam Kirstin was my beloved brother in law . Thank you for recalling him as an influence in building your career. Jean