What is your name and your current occupation?
Donna Grillo. Â Casting and Dialog Director.
How did you become interested in animation?
What is your name and your current occupation?
Donna Grillo. Â Casting and Dialog Director.
How did you become interested in animation?
On March 26th, this year we launched Animation Insider, a site dedicated to championing the faceless artists behind the scenes of the award winning animation in the world. Today with Michael Fry, “Over The Hedge” comic strip creator I am very proud to announce we’ve hit 100 posted interviews! I would like to thank all who have participated as well as my Assistant Editor and wife Laura Milo for helping to make my idea a reality. This is only the beginning as we’ve got hundreds more in the queue so stay tuned!
And as always if you’d like to be interviewed yourself then grab a copy of the questions or email me and I will send them to you!
I am constantly amazed by the incredible stuff I see people make. It all at once humbles and awes me. Here is some stuff we’ve found in our search to interview people. Wherever possible I have tried to find contact info for them, and in some cases it’s led to a dead end. If you see a great clip that should be on our Video Wall please send us a link and we will add it. Also if, you personally know any of these fine film makers feel free to send me their email and I will try to interview them as well!