Author Archives: Mike
“10 Things No Animator Wants to Hear”
RenderDigimania has a good article about the “10 Things No Animator Wants to Hear”
“I don’t have any concept art or storyboards yet, but a story outline will do, right?â€
No, it won’t. You wouldn’t ask a voice actor to do the gig without a script, so why ask somebody whose job it is to bring the images to life to do so without any bloody reference materials? We will just end up blindly firing out ideas, only to watch each one shot down, as we slowly and painfully try to find out what the hell you were actually looking for in the first place. Animators can do many things, but mind-reading isn’t one of them.
You can read the full article here.
Attention All Flash USERS!
ATTENTION Adobe Flash USERS who use extensions: Very important! Yesterday Adobe released a new version of Flash called Adobe Flash CC 2015 but unfortunately it does not have an Extensions Manager to go with it yet. It ALSO will delete the Flash CC 2014 program UNLESS you use the advanced installer to retain an older copy of CC while installing 2015 so you can check out the new features but still keep your add-ons working. If you do not use that option, 2015 will wipe out older versions of Flash installed by default. If you don’t use any extensions then ignore this notice!

Jobs: Animator at Sony PlayStation-San Diego
Sony currently has two highly anticipated PS4 titles we will need Animation support for. If hired you will be responsible for either Stylized animation over the top of motion capture, facial performances, and some hand-key work OR for Motion capture animation going toward realism with facial performances.
Please email April Wise with your resume/reel if you are interested in learning more @
“Zootopia trailer”-Disney 2016
Looks good to me! What say you?