Ever wonder what sort of morbid, politically incorrect thoughts are going on in your quiet coworker’s brain? Curious to see how others around you interpret this mystery of a world that we’ve all been mercilessly tossed into…through cartoons? Are you in the mood to laugh, cry, frown, smirk, and sneeze, for 5 seconds (or longer) at a time? Want to see lots of different colors, creatures, and designs dance across the silver screen? Then five-second day is your jam, and the Egyptian Theatre is your toasted sourdough bread.
Titmouse Inc. proudly presents a day of cartoons, created by the employees for your viewing pleasure. Other than creating at least five seconds of content, there really are no rules or limitations. Both the general public and Titmouse’s animation gurus are welcome to attend this annual celebration, which will be held at the Egyptian Theatre on Friday, February 20th at 7:30pm. The employees have worked tirelessly to dazzle you with their creativity, so please come out and support them and keep the tradition alive!
If you happen to inexplicably wake up in NYC or Vancouver on the day of the screening, our sister studios are having screenings as well:
Los Angeles:
Where: The Egyptian Theatre – 6712 Hollywood Boulevard, Los Angeles, CA
When: Friday, February 20th – 7:30pm
Cost: $11 general, $9 students & seniors, $7 members
Tickets: http://www.fandango.com/egyptiantheatrehollywood_aaofx/theaterpage?date=2/20/2015
Where: The School of Visual Arts Theatre – 333 West 23 Street, New York NY
When: Friday, March 6th – 8:00pm
Cost: $10 general/$5 students
Tickets: http://svatheatre.com/events/titmouse-5-second-animation-night/
Where: The Rio Theatre – 1660 E. Broadway Vancouver, BC
When: Thursday, March 12th – 7:30pm
Cost: $5
*19+ event, ID required
Tickets: purchase at box officeÂ