Phree device on Kickstarter seeks to let you write on anything

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Here’s an interesting device that seeks to allow you to write on anything and have it instantly transfer to your phone. It’s more or less like a Wacom pen but there’s no tablet. Anything you draw anywhere transfers in real time to your phone. Kinda cool but I wonder if that means you can draw on the screen itself and it will still work. After all you can draw on anything so…

Apparently the pen will also let you talk on it like a phone should you so desire to look that silly.

If you’re interested in backing them, drive your browser over here.

HP’s new Slates Let You Draw Ultrasonically and Transfer to Digital

hp-pro-slate-8-pen-pressAndroid Central is reporting on HP’s newest slates the HP PRo 12″ and the HP Pro 8″ and the craziest thing is it’s ability to draw what it sees on paper and transfer it to the tablet through ultrasonic emitters! That’s right, you can draw on paper and the tablet will pick up what you draw and transfer it to the tablet without wires.

The pen here supports both on-screen and ink-on-paper writing/drawing/what-have-you, and with the HP Paper Folio case you can literally write on a piece of paper and have that data transferred over to the tablet. How? With an array of four microphones on the tablet that pick up the super-high-pitched sounds emitted by ultrasonic emitters built into the pen. Qualcomm’s been showing off the technology for years, and HP’s tablets are the first to actually implement it.









You can read the whole article here.

News: HP’s Surface Pro 3 replica debuts today

The Verve is reporting that HP has released a Surface Pro clone which goes on sale today. No word yet whether it’s Wacom digitizer or nTrig (which I think was the downfall of the Surface 3). A quick look on Wacom’s site shows that Wacom has yet to produce a 15″ digitizer and since this Envy x2 comes in a 15″ model, it’s doubtful. Some seem to think it’s Amtel which means it’s not going to be the best for drawing according to this post.

HP is launching its own version of the Surface Pro 3 today. No, it hasn’t taken over manufacturing of Microsoft’s tablet, it’s merely imitating it. HP’s new Envy x2 has a multi-angle kickstand, a fabric keyboard cover that clicks into place with a stylus holder loop, and it all adds up to something that looks eerily similar to Microsoft’s Surface Pro 3 tablet. There’s a 13.3-inch model and a 15-inch version, and both ship with Intel’s latest Core M processors in a variety of configurations. Although the 13-inch model has a base display that’s 1366 x 768 resolution, it can be upgraded to match the 1920 x 1080 resolution of the base 15-inch model.

You can read the whole story here.