Kris W. Patrick

What is your name and your current occupation? 
Kris W. Patrick, I’m a 3D animator/illustrator/editor at a advertising agency in Dallas

What are some of the crazier jobs you had before getting into animation? 
I was a security guard for awhile. I had beer poured on me and threatened with a gun.
What are some of your favorite projects you’re proud to have been a part of? 
I’m not proud of anything I do. I MUST DO BETTER!

How did you become interested in animation? 
According to my parents I watched Disney movies repetitively, up to Continue reading

Stephen Brooks–0g

What is your name and your current occupation? 
Stephen Brooks, freelance animator.
What are some of the crazier jobs you had before getting into animation? 
Worked at a Saw Mill in Alaska, Vacuum Cleaner salesman in Florida, and Ski Instructor in New York.
What are some of your favorite projects you’re proud to have been a part of? 
Moshi Monsters, I did all the character animation for Furi & Luvli. It was great to be apart of the beginning of the game and see it explode the way it has. I also did a teaser spot for Nate Quarry’s comic Zombie Cagefighter where I got to choreograph a fight AND animate a zombie attack simultaneously… which is just special.

How did you become interested in animation? 
On a trip to Disney World (or Land… one of them) I saw a demo of Continue reading

Alberto Gomez

What is your name and your current occupation?
My name’s Alberto Gomez. I’m a freelance illustrator and story artist based in Madrid.


What are some of the crazier jobs you had before getting into animation?
Actually, my first job was at a small animation studio. I was 18. Years later, I had a gap of a few months outside any artistic job. I worked at the airport in Madrid, at the sales desk of an airline. I sold tickets, changed reservations and dealt with flight cancellations. That was when I found out that I could tame big groups of raging people with my bare hands.


What are some of your favorite projects you’re proud to have been a part of?
My favorite project is always the one I’m working on right now. But I’d say that I learned more from the failed ones rather than the successful ones.


How did you become interested in animation?
I firstly became interested in comic books. Then, I discovered that my favorite one at that time had an animated version: Akira. What a visual blast. But I’ve always been in love with Continue reading

Aaron McGriff

What is your name and your current occupation?
My name is Aaron McGriff and I am a Partner and Lead Animator at Walsh Family Media, a small independent animation studio in the heart of NYC doing some big things.

What are some of the crazier jobs you had before getting into animation? 
Nothing too crazy, I guess. I used to bag groceries as a kid, worked the snack bar at a family fun center, worked as a teacher’s aide for elementary art school classes, and worked as an RA in the dorms during college.

What are some of your favorite projects you’re proud to have been a part of? 
We are currently in production of 2 full length CG feature films Called The Cool Beans:We Need a Hit and The Cool Beans: Humbucket Caper. It has been an amazing experience getting to work on independent features, despite the natural ups and downs that come from trying to produce a high quality project with limited funding. The talent and dedication of our small team creates the kind of work environment most people only dream of. I’ve had the opportunity to wear many hats while at Walsh Family Media and have gotten to do everything from animation to voice-over work. I’m proud of how far we’ve come and I can’t wait for the world to be able to enjoy the content we’ve crafted meticulously with love for so many years. I know the industry will be blown away while simultaneously scratching their heads, trying to figure out how we produced such innovative content at such a high level on such a small budget.

Where are you from and how did you get into the animation business? 
My father is a proud 30 year US Army Veteran, and as such, I grew up all over the world. I was born in Panama and lived in probably 12 or more places before I ended up in New York City. So…yeah, Texas, Pennsylvania, Georgia, New Jersey, Washington, Virginia, Korea, Take your pick. I wanted to be an animator for as long as I can remember. I always used to draw characters in elementary school. My family visited Disney World in Orlando when I was eight, and we visited the animation studio there. They were working on Continue reading

Betsy Baytos


What is your name and your current occupation?
Betsy Baytos…..Illustrator/Animation Choreographer/Filmmaker & Eccentric Dance Historian.


What are some of the crazier jobs you had before getting into animation?
Performed & created the ‘Betsy Bird’ & puppeteered on the Muppet Show…..trained over 250 clowns in a ‘character movement’ workshop for Ringling Bros. ‘Clown College Alumni’…..toured the country in a vaudeville/burlesque show ‘Baggy Pants & Co’ as the featured eccentric dance act.


What are some of your favorite projects you’re proud to have been a part of?
Working as a Disney animator since 1976, then coming full circle as ‘animation choreographer’ for Disney’s ‘Princess and the Frog’…..Consulting for Cirque Du Soleil…..performing eccentric dance as the ‘Betsy Bird’ on the Muppet Show and performing physical comedy in the Broadway run of ‘Stardust’ in a featured eccentric dance act as ‘Maurice’, but most importantly, bringing this film, which I have researched & worked on for the past 20 years, ‘FUNNY FEET: The Art of Eccentric Dance’, to fruition for the next generation.
How did you become interested in animation?
I have always drawn and danced since I can remember. I discovered eccentric dance while working as an animator at Disney, then discovered Continue reading

Brynn Metheney

What is your name and your current occupation? 
My name is Brynn Metheney and I am a freelance illustrator and Concept Artist.
What are some of the crazier jobs you had before getting into animation? 
I got my first job when I was 17 and I worked all kinds of jobs through college. I’d say my two craziest jobs were working at a make-up counter in a department store and being a waitress at a country club. I didn’t like them very much, haha!
What are some of your favorite projects you’re proud to have been a part of? 
I have a few that I’m very proud of! Last year, my work was included in The Sappi Standard 5. It’s a educational printing manual for designers and firms and it was designed by Studio Hinrichs. I also collaborated with artist and writer, Ethan Nicolle on the cover for Axe Cop – President of the World 2. Recently I’ve been involved with Paizo and Wizards of the Coast on some really fun and exciting projects I’m looking forward to sharing more about. Of course, I’ve always wanted to work in film and the two projects I’ve worked on are very exciting for me! Can’t say much now but I’m looking forward to sharing more about it in the future!
How did you become interested in animation? 
I grew up on a pretty steady diet of Disney cartoons and movies as well as Looney Tunes and Jim Henson. All of these really pushed me to appreciate animation and film at a young age. I remember being amazed that Continue reading