Paulo José

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What is your name and your current occupation? 
My name is Paulo José and I do a lot of things … Character designer, animation director, write screenplays and draw comics.


What are some of the crazier jobs you had before getting into animation?
I would not say crazy, but I was a radio announcer and voice actor.


What are some of your favorite projects you’re proud to have been a part of? 
I do prefer to believe that the work that I will be proud will be next job! Because I am still learning! But to name a few, I do like the comic strips I did for many years (see above) and some films that directed. See links;

And others who had the opportunity to drive in the studios Mauricio de Sousa.
I also like the Sapo Xulé (stinky foot frog) And pilot Oligoque where I also wrote the songs. (please listen the music! it’s mine!) It is likely that you do not understand anything because everything is in Portuguese.

How did you become interested in animation?
I always loved to draw. I entered the school of Fine Art, however Continue reading

Temple Mathews

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What is your name and your current occupation?
Temple Mathews, owner of Temple Mathews Prods. Inc. Currently a screenwriter and author.

What are some of the crazier jobs you had before getting into animation?
Roofer, clerk, shoe salesman, film producer.


What are some of your favorite projects you’re proud to have been a part of?
I wrote “RETURN TO NEVERLAND” an animated feature for Disney that did over 100 million worldwide. Also “THE LITTLE MERMAID II”.  My YA trilogy, “THE NEW KID,” “THE RISING,” and “THE SWORD OF ARMAGEDDON” was published by Benbella Books and continues to sell.

How did you become interested in animation?
A friend called me up and said hey would you like to write for this show, and I did, and Continue reading

Johnny Hartmann

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What is your name and your current occupation?
My name is Johnny Hartmann and I’m a screenwriter currently working on an episode of a new Hasbro show called Kaijudo: Rise of the Duel Masters.

What are some of the crazier jobs you had before getting into animation? 
There are crazier jobs than this?!

What are some of your favorite projects you’re proud to have been a part of? 
I’m incredibly proud to be contributing to Kaijudo, the story editors Henry Gilroy and Andrew Robinson have created such a rich and unique world, it’s awesome to be writing one of the chapters for them.
How did you become interested in animation? 
I started in live-action. Then I wrote a spec called R-A-M: Rogue Alien Mutation. It was sort of a King Kong in space story and my agent at ICM at the time sent it to Shaun McLaughlin at the WB. Shaun suggested it could make a great animated feature. That’s when I realized that Continue reading